Monday, January 4, 2010

And So It Starts...

What’s in a song? Certainly its more than fluid notes, instrumentation and vocal accompaniment combining to form melody and harmony… right? As I was lying in bed the morning after a night of NYE revelry, I asked myself; ‘What will be the first song I listen to in Twenty-Ten?’ Obviously, there is more (at least in my mind) importance placed upon the art of song, than well, its actual contents.

A song or album for that matter, can form a memory, represent a specific moment and quite possibly can set the tone to the start of a new year and in this case, a decade.

Although, the moment to which I will look back will just be a blip of my life here on earth... I will be able to tell you with absolute certainty how 2010 all started. Kings Road soy latte, banana, driving on Beverly blvd with the windows down (as it was a near 70 degrees out), company by the same person I rang the New Year in with a kiss and this, my first musical listen of the year and decade.

I hope you all had a successful start to the new year and I look forward to hearing from you.



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